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The Mirror in your Eyes

by Alexandra Chivu © 2023

Ever since we met, all my thoughts have been on you.
Since no measure of worldly love could change my point of view.

You sculpt me and say "I'm not through with you."
Only in your eyes, I saw someone new.
She was beautiful, passionate, and gifted with grace.
Yes, through your eyes, this is what I traced.

Your face radiates like the sun, burning up my skin.
Revealing someone I didn't know that's always been within.

I know I am forever yours and you won't change your mind,
Since you loved me when I wasn't finished being all designed.

Shaped me into your greater purpose,
Yet we've reached just the surface.
For your reminders of who I am
Revolve me like a circus

My new love that I hold
I will treasure it until I grow old
With the knowledge that this is far more worth than gold.

So hold me tight and don't let go
I refuse to ever listen
To the people that call me crazy for loving such a vision.

Yet it's never just a vision, but a person who's real,
Who sacrificed his life for me and called it so ideal.

So call me crazy for believing in such old stories,
But once you live through these glories then you'll understand
How I can look in the mirror and believe
In the Son of Man.

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