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by Colin Moffett © 2006

Two roses in the garden; one white and one red
Grew in the soil of their summer bed
Bathed in the sunshine as the butterflies flew by
Their blooms lifted upwards and turned to the sky

I paused for a moment with my hand on the hoe
To drink in their beauty so splendid on show
And the thoughts I was thinking as I stood in sunlight
Was a picture of my Saviour in the roses red and white

The white reminded me of purity of Jesus who came
To die for me on that cross of shame
The innocent for the guilty; turning darkness to light
And washing my sins from scarlet to white

The red reminded me of His blood running free
Shed from the Lamb and flowing for me
Wounds of the body and thorn crowned head
And there is pardon for sin in His blood that is red

The colour of their leaves reminded me of Calvary’s green hill
I stood deep in thought resting on hoe still
I reached to touch their beauty and was pierced by a thorn
Its cruel jab reminded me of His crown on crucifixion morn

Red grows the rose that reminds me of the covering for sin
And white for my cleansing when I let Jesus in
These were the thoughts that stirred in my head
When I looked at the roses blooming white and red

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