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Poem of Testimony

by Shane Ripley

This is my story, I was lost, I was broken. I was blind, all I wanted to do was leave it all behind, all I wanted to do was take as all my body did was shake. All I ever did was ask why? So, all I wanted to do was die, I saw no other side because of my pride.

I wanted relief but I was so full of unbelief. Then into my life comes my wife, who says to me you can free, lean on him and not your own understanding or you are in for a crash landing.

Don't worry about this world as it grows old, be rid of the devil, all he causes is desolation but all you need is salvation. Call to the father for a holy fire for a burning desire to seek his face in the place.


As I look to the sky, I see the one who reigns on high, coming in a flash of light, oh my days I though what a sight. I sing of a king who saw me in strife and gave me life, took me from the flood by his blood, took me out of that hole so I wouldn't lose my soul, I didn't commit a heist I came to Jesus Christ.


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