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Rambling Wildflowers

by Deborah Russell

Rambling Wildflowers,
upon their beauty I gaze;
each special in their own way,
I stand in silent awe.

The years have sped fast,
memories ling'ring from apast
makes me yearn
for your return,
to reminisce
on what we miss.

Like wildflowers,
your time here was for a short while.
My vision blears with tears.
Your enchanting smile
brightened all my days,
in, oh, so many ways.
While here, your love did bestow
much more than wealth or gold;
and ever you shielded me
from harm.

I thought myself wild and free,
like the wildflowers in the lea:
rambling around, not settled down;
searching abroad for a place,
without "saving face."
When things got out of hand,
you ever had a plan,
and never judged
or said,
"I told you so!"

What now remains
are recollections of things
left unsaid.
You were gone
before I ever thought
to say goodbye...
I do mourn.
No time to make things right,
I'd it's too late.
You're in heaven...
I'll be there some day.

For your testimony survived;
gave me the will to strive
to live, and let God in...
across the great divide,
one day I'll be by your side.
No longer a wildflower rambling through
the trials of life.
I'm now a soldier in the Lord's host,
my sins are forgiven.
Heaven shall be my final destiny;
and nevermore
will I have regrets.

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