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by michael whalen © 609

When things in life seem to go array, step aside, let God, get out of the way, and trust.
When you've done all you can do, just stand, and leave it in Gods hand, and trust.
Gather your troubles in one accord, bring them to the alter, give your burdens to the Lord, and trust.
If you are to be set free, from this form of the devils captivity, then we must, learn to trust.
If in Him you believe, in Him you must also trust, so stand, let not your spirit be grieved.
Close your eyes, believe not what you see, Jesus said, "believe only" and trust in me.
Seek Him and His kingdom first and all things will be handed asunder. if you do this, your goods the devil cannot plunder.
For if ye being evil, know how to give to your children, that which is good, how much more is there for those, who trust Him as they should.
If we do not trust Him, in whom we believe, there is no way for us to receive.
How many of us have lent something to a friend, and trusted that he'd give it back again?
Is the Lord lesser than your closest friend? nay, He sticks closer than a brother, and we should trust Him to the very end.
So, trust in Him, for He said He'd never leave our side, reach out you hand, and through your tribulation, He will be your guide..

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