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I Long...

by Clinton Herring © 2021

I long to be home, away from strife,
I long to be in the court of the King,
Clothed in joy, new birth, new life!
Hearing the songs celestial choirs sing!

I long, yes now, for the life to come.
I long to stroll on streets of gold!
This world behind, soon far away from,
As in Your word, it is foretold.

I long to stand with saints forgone,
I long to see Your face, my Lord.
Your love on us shall ever dawn.
My life renewed, yes fully restored!

I long to hear Your gentle voice.
I long to be in your presence now!
My spirit thrilled as I rejoice!
Joyfully, humbly forever I'll bow!

I long for Heaven, a place of peace.
I long for Heaven, my true home,
where anger, rage and hatred cease.
I'll be at rest in my Lord's "Shalom".

Philippians 1:23b ...I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far...

This poem was a finalist in the March 2023 poetry contest

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