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by Jennifer Kirkendall © 2022


When you were just a little boy,
I would wipe your handprints off the wall.
And sometimes I would kiss your hands,
When you would stumble and fall.

And when you were a little boy,
You would hold my hand when scared.
And those same little hands would write "I love you,"
On cards to show you cared.

As you went off to school,
Those hands would wave to me,
I love you and your little hands,
As you can plainly see.

I sat beside your hospital bed,
I held your hand in mine,
I didn't want to let go,
Because I knew it was the last time.

They put your handprint on canvas,
I placed it neatly in a frame.
Those hands have touched my heart,
And I'll never be the same.

One day, when Jesus calls me home,
You will be there waiting on me.
And I will hold your hand once more,
This time for eternity.

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