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by Colin Moffett © 2006

I would gather you to me as a mother HEN
I have lifted my wings to you again and again
When I would have brought you close to my breast
You would not come as chickens home to rest

For like the OSTRICH who buries its head in the sand
You are not wise unto salvation and do not understand
No flight, like the SWIFT, can bear you away
When the Devil comes as a FALCON to take you as prey

I come to you meek; gentle as a DOVE
I offer you salvation, grace and my love
But you puff yourself up like the proud PEACOCK
With your head in the air and your haughty walk

You strut about; your plumage to be seen
Dressed in self righteous rags with pride that you preen
They; like the feathers; will moult and fly away
When the VULTURE of death comes and carries you in decay

But I will bear on EAGLE wings widespread and strong
All my redeemed; I will carry them along
For they are worth more than the SPARROWS of the air
And they will feed of me more than the RAVENS in my care

I give them a new song sweeter than the THRUSH or the LARK
No more like OWLS; NIGHTHAWKS; and lovers of the dark
For they have come into my glorious light
And their song of praise rises higher than the KITE

They will wade the crystal sea like the PELICAN or CRANE
Their cries like the SEAGULLS came not in vain
When the wild PIGEON of the desert became my TURTLE DOVE
And a poor needy sinner accepted my love

In the wilderness my people fed on the manna and QUAIL
The living bread I give it will never fail
And my redeemed will have eternal rest
When like birds to the tree of life they come home and rest

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