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Hugs from God

by Karen Stringfield

How many times have I hurt someone's feelings?
And said some horrible things that were so unappealing?
At times, vile ugly words spill from my mouth.
A small convicting voice says, "What was that about?"

Good and evil spar within me every day.
Only prayer keeps me on the righteous path and Satan at bay.
Shoulders sag as guilt flows over my soul.
Asking for forgiveness is the only thing that will make me whole.

As a dog begs for a luscious treat
I beg for mercy at Jesus' feet.
Matthew 12 says we will be judged for the evil things we say.
But Jesus' blood covers us and because of that we won't have to pay.

His forgiveness quiets your spirit and envelopes your entire being.
And you know that He is with you always and that is amazing!
When you feel a "hug" from God, all others are second best.
Telling others of his love becomes your everyday quest.

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