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Judge & Jury

by T Rock © 2020

Outward never inward, we assess
the fault of those in our view
As if we are always right, flawless,
perfect, shiny, and still new

A self-made judge, persecuting others,
breaking the law of love
A jury of one, tearing down, criticizing,
and placing oneself above

Spreading like a disease, infecting others;
accusations with no facts
Enhancing our stature and well-being
by feeding an ego with our attacks

Resist speaking evil against each other,
for it is God alone who gave the law
Only He has the power to save or to destroy
and will judge without flaw

You will be sentenced as you've done
To your sisters and brothers
You will have to answer for your sins
and how you judged all others

Love your neighbor as yourself
is His greatest commandment to recall
Display understanding when mistakes are made,
and someone has taken a fall

Absent in body but present in spirit,
He's already passed judgment on the living
Condemn not, and you will not be condemned
forgive, and you will be forgiven

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