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Poems by Dave Mudford

poem count: 204 | pages: 23 | first place: 3 times | finalist: 31 times
The Wild Sea
This poem is from Peter's point of view as he stepped out of the boat. Is it your view as well, or are you still snug in the security of your boat?

Cross Stitch at Forty Paces
A fun look at cross stitch competitions at the local fair. We must use the gifts God gives us to honour Him

From Nowhere to Glory first in poetry contest
we can take a different road from the one many choose

The Gateway to Love
Many people are drowning in regret. This poem offers new living hope through the voice of grace - offered by our Lord

Christ in Sight
We need to fix our eyes on Jesus - for He is where true hope is discovered and claimed

The Servant King
Many see Jesus as just a good teacher with a kind heart - He is so much more! This poem explores various aspects of His character (from the anger that drove the merchants from the temple to the one that children loved). May He be praised forever.

Embrace His Healing
We all need to fully accept the forgiveness of God

Longing After Thee
Psalm 42:1-2b NIV As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, O my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.

Colors of Life finalist in poetry contest
A distorted portrait is often all we see when looking at ourselves, but the true colors of our lives are only ever seen when recognizing His grace and love toward us.