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Poems by George Cuff

poem count: 235 | pages: 27 | first place: 2 times | second place: 3 times | finalist: 40 times
Psalm 32--The Joy of Forgiveness
David tells of how his sin gave him no rest in his spirit and the joy of confessing them to God. God responds with wise instruction.

Psalm 27--The Lord is My Salvation finalist in poetry contest
David proclaims his trust in Christ and shares his love for the House of the Lord.

Psalm 23--The Lord is My Shepherd
O the comfort we receive from this wonderful Psalm.

Psalm 22--A Messianic Prophecy
Psalm 22, written by David, has a double meaning. It also pictures the crucifixion of the coming Savior.

Psalm 19--God is Calling Out to You finalist in poetry contest
The glory of God's creation calls out to us to come to Him by His grace.

Psalm 16--A Psalm of Hope and Joy
David rejoices in the sure hope of eternity in the presence of the Lord.

Psalm 15--How Do I Qualify for Heaven?
In Psalm 15 David asks God, "Who can live on Your holy hill?" This question is answered in Psalm 15.

Psalm 14--The Fool
The fool has said in his heart, "There is no god."

Psalm 10--O God, Hear and Act
In Psalm 10 David wonders why God does not act more quickly agains evil men plundering the poor. In the end he expresses his confidence in God.