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Poems by George Cuff

poem count: 235 | pages: 27 | first place: 2 times | second place: 3 times | finalist: 40 times
The Law of Sowing and Reaping
Whatsoever a man Sows, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7)

Psalm 139:1-10—The Greatness of God
The Psalmist marvels at God's love and faithfulness and speaks of the wonder of the creation of human life.

Psalm 100 and 101--An Exhortation to Worship and Faithfulness
In Psalm 100 the Psalmist calls the people to worship God. In Psalm 101 he calls for faithfulness.

Psalm 91--Safe in the Arms of God
The Psalmist extols the protective care of God.

Psalm 73--Which Destiny is Yours?
The Psalmist observes the easy life of the wicked and wonders if he has kept his life pure in vain.

Psalm 51--A Psalm of Repentance
After his sin with Bathsheba, David cries out to God in repentance admitting his sinful condition. David was a great repenter. Are you?

Psalm 46--God Will Protect His Own
This Psalm reminds me of how God will protect His own at the Battle of Armegeddon when He returns in glory and power.

Psalm 42--Longing, Remembering, Trusting
A young Jewish worship leader now lives in Jordan and misses the worship festivals. He cries out to the Lord in the theme of Longing, Remembering, and Trusting.

Psalm 37--The Heritage of the Righteous
How important it is to focus on God's will for our life and not distracted by the success of evil. Read Psalm 37:1-11.