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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
The Wounds of Freedom
May we never lose sight of the price of our freedom. May we honor the sacrifice by how we live.

What you gained by faith must be retained by faith

Portent second in poetry contest
A poem linking the portent of the weather to the journey of Jesus and His path to the Cross.

Child by Faith finalist in poetry contest
The reward for believing in Jesus and the work He did for us.

Blossoming Brightness finalist in poetry contest
A poem about finding forgiveness

"Faith in Action: Beyond Spoken Words"
Job's wife, in hardship, said, "Curse God and die!" Yet, she endured Job's trials, leading to a positive outcome with the birth of children. Despite her flaws, the passage emphasizes that true belief is shown through actions, not just words.

Flames of Change
The flame of fire can destroy and scar - or bring renewal, life and beauty; refining the soul.

Sustaining Faith: A chronicle of deep troubles
Faith in Jesus during deep struggles involves unwavering trust, reliance, and belief in the teachings, presence, and redemptive power of Jesus Christ. It is a profound conviction that, even in the midst of profound challenges and adversity, Jesus provide

His Blood first in poetry contest
The Blood of Jesus brings peace of mind.

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