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Faith Poetry

I Met Him at the Well
While we may meet Jesus in a similar place to the woman at the well, we do not have to stay there in that shameful place.

The Days Are
Live by faith

Nobody Dead
Have faith and never die.

The World has Said finalist in poetry contest
Based on 1 Corinthians 1 & 2. The world has said much to discredit Christianity as a simpleton's religion. Truth is there is a hidden wisdom that Christians alone perceive because it is spiritually discerned.

Where Art Thou?
I wrote this during class when discussing the bible story of Christ calming the seas. "Carest thou not that we perish?" We read that verse and in my head I heard, "Where art thou?" And the questions flowed from me into this inspiring, transforming poem

In Faith Fully Sealed
In faith it is sealed

The Gift of Faith second in poetry contest
In Ephesians 2:8, Paul tells us that faith is the gift of God. I have spoken with many people who tend to see belief and faith as synonymous. I don't believe they are. So I wrote this poem to show why.

The Meadow
A poem about faith versus what we see. Faith in He who knows our path and our future.

Last Days
This is a poem that refers to the troubled times we live in and how important it is to have Jesus as a saviour.

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