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Loving Ourselves

by Robert Hedrick

We're told to love our neighbors as
ourselves, to which I say,
Do we truly love our self and if so,
are we doing it God's way?

A love that will flourish even when
mistakes have been made,
Love that will continue to be strong
as those bills go unpaid.

A love most people would like to have
yet all will not find,
For Satan's their master, controlling
their heart and mind.

It is a love that stops hatred before
it has a chance to come in,
Willing to forgive, not just once, but
doing so time and time again.

A love that inspires teachable spirits
to proclaim God's Word,
Helping to clarify each book in it as
they are read and heard.

Bringing truth to the world, dominated
with lies for far too long,
Pointing out verses demonstrating the
right from the wrong.

A love that's made real by loving God
and putting Him first,
Solid love that will stimulate the soul
and satisfy it's thirst.

Then love your neighbor and make sure
they know Jesus loves them,
That life now and for eternity will be
blessed by serving Him.

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