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by Leslie Rummel

Today I bow before You, Lord
And fold my hands to pray;
With thanks and praise to You, Dear God
On this, Your blessed day….

I make a joyful noise to You
I lift my voice in song;
knowing that it's only You
To Whom I do belong!

Today, I thank You for my life;
And the trials You help me through;
I live in victory every day
With strength that comes from You!

I honor You, Oh Father God
Who reigns from up above;
You change me with the power
Of Your never-ending love!

Today, I call You, Faithful Friend;
Who walks by my side;
You live within my heart
And will forever, in me, abide!

So today I show my gratitude
For all that You have done;
And celebrate the gift You give -
In Jesus Christ, Your Son…

You helped me come into this world
And draw my first-born breath;
I know Your hands will comfort me
In the hour of my death!

I honor You for Who You are
And for amazing grace;
What a glorious day, it shall be
When I meet You, face-to-face!

In Jesus' name,

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