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A fill-in-the-blanks love letter

by rhymarhyma

Dear ______,

It's been _____ months since you've called my name

and the moment you did was the moment I came

But just like all the other times before

you call me when you need me, then you don't call me anymore

When you broke up with _____ and your heart was broken

from your trembling lips my name was spoken

I tried to show you life wasn't over, rather a brand new start

People will always fail you, but I am your heart

When you lost your job at _____ and fell into despair

You asked for my help, and again I was there

I tried to show you that money is not worthy of praise

Be special, and shine, and be rich in other ways

When _____ died and you were angry with me

I tried to show you no one's gone, everyone is set free

I have a special plan for everyone that I take

as well as for those left behind, and I never make a mistake

When you were hooked on _____ and felt there was no way out

shaking and aching, you had absolutely no doubt

that I was the one to get you back in control

You let me save your life, now let me save your soul

When you had problems with ______, and _____, and you cried out loud

When _____ and _____ hurt you, all of this I allowed

because you always call on my love when you feel under attack

and the only thing I ask is that you love me back



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