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Human nature

by rhymarhyma

Someday I'm going to fail you, and you'll fail me, too
because we're only people, and that's just what people do...

Dear Child,
I will fail you, I know that it's true
no matter how often I tell you I love you
No matter how many ways I show you I care
when you truly need your daddy someday, I won't be there

Dear Lover,
I will fail you, somehow...some way...
It won't be intentional and it may not be today
But one thing I know, I know is guaranteed
I will fail you for certain in a true time of need

Dear Friend,
I will fail you, I will fail you hard
I am warning you now so you can be on your guard
When it's all said and done, when the road finally ends
just know I'm truly sorry and I hope we're still friends

Dear God,
I will fail you, no matter how I try
I will wander off the path and bring a teardrop to your eye
After all you've done for me, even though you've set me free
but the one thing that I know is you will never fail me...

This poem was a finalist in the June 2014 poetry contest

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