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And She Brought Forth a Son

by Lanette Kissel

As we set off on a journey towards Bethlehem, our nerves were beginning to unravel.
My Babe was due at any moment and it was not a good time to travel.

I will never forget that one brilliant star which lit the sky with its light,
To tell the world there would be something different about this Holy Night.

Bethlehem was crowded. No rooms could be found, no place to lay my head,
Until a man took pity upon my condition and finally offered us a stable bed.

Joseph was worried. He paced back and forth and his expression mirrored the strain,
As I labored upon my bed of straw and tried not to cry out from the pain.

It seemed as if the animals were also worried as they surrounded me protectively.
And the stable was filled with an eerie silence as the Lord sought to deliver me.

We were soon visited by some shepherds who came before my Babe and kneeled.
They said an Angel had told them about this Child as they had been watching in the field.

I will always remember the arrival of three Kings who had traveled for many a mile,
To bow down before my little Son and He had favored them with His smile.

I marveled at these unusual events in which I had played a part.
I would always treasure these memories and hold them close within my heart.

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