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The Chosen One - After the Star

by Lanette Kissel

Every day my Son continues to amaze me.
He is a truly remarkable boy.
He shows grace, intelligence and wisdom.
He is His mother's pride and joy.

The people in our village seem to think
Jesus shows wisdom beyond his years.
I wonder if He fears the future
As the time to begin his ministry nears.

My boy is too quickly becoming a man.
The desire to do His Father's will grows stronger.
There is a restlessness about Him now.
I won't be able to hold onto Him much longer.

When the time came for Jesus to leave our village,
The tears threatened to flow.
I suppressed my fears and doubts within me,
And tried not to let my feelings show.

I know it is not an easy road
That He is traveling every day.
I hope He has found good and faithful friends
To accompany Him along the way.

Rumors concerning parables and miracles
Are making their way back to me,
Leading me to believe that things are going well,
That He is fulfilling the prophecy.

The people are beginning to take notice of Him,
And they are beginning to talk,
Saying that Jesus was able to make a blind man see,
Able to make a lame man walk.

I have heard that He is winning many followers,
Yet He is also making enemies
Of men who resent Him, who are jealous of Him
Including Chief Priests and Pharisees.

Lately, I have experienced feelings of foreboding.
At times, they cover me like a shroud.
I have frightening dreams that hang over my head
Like a dark and ominous cloud.

I am aware that a formidable task lay before Him
And that He will surely find
That being the Savior of the world
Doesn't mean that life will treat Him kind.

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