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Yes, Jesus

by Robert Hedrick

We can build houses of brick, wood
and stone,
Yet it is Jesus only Who will make
heaven our home.
We can plant a tree and enjoy the
fruit it'll provide,
Only Jesus opens heaven's door to
take us inside.

We may boast in giving blood that
saves a life or two,
Yet Jesus gave His all to save the
world, not just a few.
We seek to forgive those who have
done us wrong,
While Jesus awaits to forgive the
world's entire throng.

Christians, if we grumble whenever
we give, it's a shame,
For the promise of heaven's a gift
given in Jesus' name.
While we see the motes in other's
eyes, we miss our own.
With love, Jesus forgives all from
His throne.

So Christians, boast of our Jesus
and of His love,
Saying soon He'll return appearing
in a cloud above.
To meet Him all preparations need
to be made today,
For only those who're prepared will
be safely taken away.

This poem was a finalist in the December 2014 poetry contest

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