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A Prayer Request

by Robert Hedrick

I lift up a prayer for one that
has a need,
Giving their request to God as
I plead.
It shall be answered, I know He
will respond,
For the shed blood of Jesus has
allowed us to bond.

Although we've scarely met, God
knows them well,
This one in my prayer who is so
sick and frail.
He knows their needs, yet it's
my duty to pray,
Lifting up to God each request
that comes my way.

I can pray only because Jesus
paid my sin debt,
He's given me the forgiveness
that I needed to get.
Opening the prayer line to my
Father up above,
Then keeping it open with His
never ending love.

As I close my prayer, I do so
in Jesus Name,
He intercedes before God by
erasing my blame.
Soon I will return in prayer
with another request,
Doing so only because I am so
amazingly blessed.

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