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Bethlehem's Christmas Eve

by Robert Hedrick

It was the night before the first
Christmas there in Bethlehem,
That an event would occur which was
known to a few, if any of them.
Such as never before or after, has
happened to man or even beast,
A virgin would give birth to A King
and to be born among the least.

Then on this special day, on it's
own, The Baby took in a breadth,
To save these and all people from a
fate that's far worse than death.
A stable held The King of Kings, The
Lord of Lords, The Prince of Peace,
God so loved this world He gave His
Best so this love need never cease.

Jesus entered this life in a special
way and for special mission,
To lift the sin burden from man after
a life changing transition.
He gave His life that His blood will
cover sins Christians commit,
Then in heaven they shall be rewarded
for at His feet they will sit.

Now after many years, Christmas Eve
once again is coming around,
I ask an important question, are you
sure that you're heaven bound?
Jesus has cleared your way, for He is
The Way, The Truth and The Light,
This is my plea, that you'll know for
sure before Christmas Eve night.

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