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The Chosen One, At the Foot of His Cross

by Lanette Kissel

I am having trouble sleeping at night.
My heart is beginning to fear.
Deep within my soul I know
My Son's time is drawing near.

I know that He is the faithful Son
And will go through with His Father's Plan.
Yet it all seems so very unfair to me.
Jesus is, after all, still a young man.

The prophecy has been set into motion.
I know that my Son has been arrested.
My heart fills with dread for what is to come.
My faith will be severely tested.

As I kneel there at the foot of His cross,
Surrounded by that angry mob,
My heart cries out as I watch Him suffer,
And yet all I can do is sob.

As I witness His torment hanging upon that cross,
I never hear Him complain.
I would give absolutely anything
Just to be able to ease His pain.

Father, why is it our perfect Son
Hanging there upon that tree?
Would that I could take His place,
Wish it could have been me.

I know within this mother's heart
The minute when my Son does pass,
Know the very moment His soul departs
To join with His Father at last.

Even though my heart is grieving,
I feel honored to be a part of His Story.
I know the truth that many years ago,
I had given birth to the King of Glory.

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