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The Road

by mark walters

In the midst of a world fraught with worry and strife
We, crushed like roses must give up our life
Though His death and His flesh have opened the veil
Up Calvary's road we must all make a trail.

For it's easy to trust God on a sunshiny day
Or proclaim a great victory when our flesh has its way
But that's not really trusting in Almighty God's plans
For your death is the victory that His great love demands.

Down the pain and the heartache we all walk that road
Fatigued with the hardships, borne down with a load
Till the ranks of God's army are numbering few,
For to march in the faith is to learn to be true.

And over the Jordan is where the troops rested
When the Children of Israel were forty years tested
For we cannot rest here nor disobey His command
But march on to glory, home to the Promised Land

And at the end of the trail stands death the last foe
much faith is needed to let the fear go
And over the Jordan to sail as a dove
To the arms of the Master in the Heavens above

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