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Continuing Christmas

by Robert Hedrick

I ask you please, hold on tight to
Christmas don't let it slip away,
For it's what the world wants,
to consider it just another holiday.
I hear the word Christmas less each
year as holiday takes it's place,
In an effort to remove Christ from
Christmas and from the human race.

In this as in all of Satan's schemes
God's Children need to bond together,
It is one of his many raging storms
that we Christians have to weather.
More than ever we need Christ in our
lives at Christmas and all the year,
So that as His birthday draws near,
it will be Christmas that we hear.

It's not so much today's generation
as the future I'm concerned about,
For if Christmas is just a holiday,
then Christ has been left out.
The less they hear of Jesus, greater
the chance of not being in His fold,
As Satan desires, for in the stealing
of souls, there's none so bold.

Christians, we should strive to keep
Christmas the best we know how,
Using all resources available, that
is, all those God will allow.
Through our efforts, somewhere down
the line, our ancestors might say,
Instead of wishing a happy holiday,
they praise God for Christmas day.

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