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The Master's Plan

by Leslie Rummel © 2008

Long ago the Creator
Formed the perfect plan
The Heavens and Earth were parted
With the power of His hands!

He used His thoughts and words
In His magnificent way
And commanded the entire world to exist
In six consecutive days!!!

On the 7th day God rested
From His handiwork
And from the dust created man
To govern all the earth!

The Father was pleased that everything
Went according to His Plan
Then lovingly created a woman
To accompany the man!

He named the loved ones, Adam and Eve
His plan became fulfilled
They were designed to live forever
And were given the gift of free-will

But sin tempted His children
They failed to understand
Disobedience caused a separation between
The Creator of all and man!

Satan appeared before them
It seemed that darkness had won
Eternal life for man relied
On the Father sending His Son!

Then at the appointed time
God knew it must be done
To save us from the gates of Hell
He sent The Anointed One!

They called Him, Jesus
The sacrificial Lamb!
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Who is the Great I am!

He lived among the people
With humility and grace
The purpose of His mission
Was to save the human race!

His time on earth was limited
There was so much to tell
Through miracles and parables
He taught the people well!

There were countless unbelievers
God's Truth was denied!
They accused Him and loudly shouted
For Him to be crucified!!!

They made Him trudge to Golgotha
He was tortured, mocked and scorned.
Blood flowed down his beaten face
Because of a crown of thorns!

Nails were pierced through His flesh
There were some who felt such loss.
Jesus Christ was left to die
Upon a wooden cross!

The Savior said, "It is finished."
And died on that sorrowful day
But death had no sting - Victory was won
He rose- for the stone rolled away!

He's the Alpha and Omega
The Father, Holy Spirit and Son
And because of His omnipotence
the three together are one!

He'll never leave nor forsake us
And we must understand
Everything happens because of love
It is the Master's Plan!!!

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