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Christmas Love

by Robert Hedrick

Now it is the days after Christmas
and all is very quiet,
The decorations are down with not
a single one in sight.
Mom and dad are somewhat weary and
are not at their best,
In need of a long and sound night's
sleep with a day of rest.

Tired as they might be, there's no
regrets of Christmas day,
For they had some lasting memories
seeing the children play.
Not only theirs, there were others
they'd bought gifts for,
Then prepared meals for the family
who was financially poor.

For this family and others, it will
likely be tough for a while,
Yet as they look back on Christmas,
they can do so with a smile.
God put in the hearts of a couple
to share with those in need,
With their efforts, Christmas for
some was brighter indeed.

They weren't looking for a handout,
yet God sent a helping hand,
Coming in an act of love from some
who'd chosen to make a stand.
Now this was inspired by one that
was displayed years before,
When Jesus, through love, gave His
Life for all, rich or poor.

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