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Soliloquy of a lone romantic

by rhymarhyma

I give you all I am, as a man, and so much more
I give you my mind, I bare you my soul
I knew you were the one when you walked through the door
My time I gave you, but it was my heart that you stole

We were meant for each other, my precious dove
We can walk here forever, hand in hand
For the rest of our lives, truly in love
but there's one thing I need for you to understand

Should God take you first, though it would break my heart
no matter where you are, let me remind you
I cannot bear the thought of us being apart
and if you have to go before me, I promise I'll find you

You give all that you are, to me, as your man
You bare me your soul, you give me your mind
You knew I was the one before we even began
Your time I longed for, but it was your heart that I'd find

I'm your precious love, and we'll always have each other
side by side, until the day we die
Truly in love, we were made for one another
but there's one thing you know I can never deny

Should God take me first, I hope He cradles your heart
and no matter how long it takes, you'll be right behind me
Forgive me for the time that we'll have to spend apart
but if I have to go before you, I know that you'll find me

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