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Life is Eternal

by Robert Hedrick

The God Who put life into this world
will one day take it away,
Nobody knows when it will be, perhaps
tomorrow or even today.
This life in many ways has corrupted
the world He has created,
With the sins of man being the reason
it has become ill-fated.

God's made us aware of what He's done
and of what lies ahead,
Giving all the opportunity to prepare,
leaving nothing to dread.
For He used special writers to record
from when He first began,
As He created this world, while in His
own image, He created man.

There shouldn't be any surprise as the
the scripture begins to unfold,
For only the events happening, will be
the ones of which we are told.
We can see precisely all that's needed
to be ready as it takes place,
For God's Son's provided an escape for
this sin infested, human race.

When life in this world ends, there'll
be an eternal one for mankind,
Spent in heaven or hell, depending on
the choice that we left behind.
All who chose to serve Jesus will go
into heaven as the roll is read,
He opened it's gates to each of these
whenever his blood was shed.

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