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A Fitting Description

by Robert Hedrick

Do you find that you have the courage
to stand against the wiles of sin,
Stopping them at your heart's door,
not allowing them to enter in.
Rejecting the temptations they bring
before you with their charm,
With pleasures, but for a season, as
your brain sounds the alarm.

Looking about and seeing those in need,
is there an urge to lend a hand,
Instead of turning your back, you take
up their cause and make a stand.
The first in line to help the neighbor
who's capabilities are low,
For as you learn of the need, there's
no hesitation, you just go.

Do you feel a little patriotic pride,
as you walk in to cast your vote,
If your candidate's defeated, support
the elected on a positive note.
Later as mistakes are made and these
are accused, you hold your peace,
For they're merely human and you know
human mistakes will never cease.

Then to all fitting in the categories
that you see listed above,
Have likely learned at a time in life
about the truth of pure love.
As they show brotherly love that only
God in heaven can display,
Making the world a beter place for us
to live, doing so day by day.

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