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Between Now and Then

by Robert Hedrick

There's a phrase we use that goes
"sometime between now and then",
With now being here, the question
is, will then come and when.
For this date is wide open and it
could arrive day or night,
When least expected, it just very
well might be in sight.

Normally this phrase doesn't mean
much as it penetrates the ear,
Just another of the quips we use
that are not very clear.
More than likely, little thought's
given before it spills out,
Thinking that it may be confusing
and leave some in doubt.

It seems that between now and then,
now's the best time to do it,
The project that has been put off,
just go ahead and do it.
Someday, then will never come, for
time on earth will be no more,
Better do the important things now
before life closes it's door.

Most important is leaving this life
with a sin slate that's clean,
This taking place as Jesus comes in
making it sin free and serene.
If you have not accepted Him, don't
wait til between now and then,
Today is the day to be saved, just
open up and invite Jesus in.

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