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Jesus' Words

by Joy Wieters

"No, Grasias." I said,
And she turned to my friend.
An open market shopping trip,
The offers - would it end!?

I looked at the croisants now,
And thought unto myself,
How much better that they would look
In my hand - off the shelf!

The little girl - persistant was,
Brown eyes stare up at me.
How on earth can I resist?
I tell her, "Come with me."

I guesture to the pastries,
That all surround me so.
She points to a piece of cake;
I cannot tell her no.

Though I'd say much more healthy,
A loaf of bread or such,
It will make her so happy,
And doesn't cost too much.

I grab a pair of tongs and take,
A piece from in the middle.
She smiles her brown face up at me
And makes me want to giggle.

I quickly choose a fruit pastry,
And pick it up for me.
I set my tray on the counter,
And turn around to see..

A small, plain loaf of white bread,
Soft or hard - we would learn.
I grabbed the tongs and scooped it up,
The waited for my turn.

I paid for it, then broke the bread,
Put half into each sack.
Three extra napkins in her bag -
Soon food she would not lack!

I handed to her joyfully,
The million-dollar bag.
To her, it is the love of God,
Though "Zero" said the tag.

I held her close, could smell her hair,
She 'bonita' indeed!
I had to thank the Lord above
For helping plant this seed.

I prayed then as I walked away,
'Dios Le Bendiga.'
Jesus, bless this little girl,
And bless her 'familia.'

I could not communicate,
In words that were my own.
This spanish-speaking 'nina',
Heard Jesus' words alone.

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