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Grandma and Little Kid Times

by Patricia Joan Polhans

You had always been there
When I was growing up
Thru swings and monkey bars,
And the little kid stuff.

I can remember one
Of those precious kid times.
That you made me a swing
Tied onto your clothes line.

We had kid fun as you
pushed me high on the swing.
As a loving grandma
doing little kid things.

I was right there with you
through all the holidays
sharing great gifts and fudge
like only you could make!

They were, oh, so tasty
And, oh, so delicious
even though they weren't
necessarily nutritious.

Often you would place me
upon your feeble lap,
And read stories to me
right before my short nap.

You taught me of Jesus
while I was seated there
reading Bible stories
that we used to share.

You played little kid games
As I sat on your knee,
Taught me the love of Jesus
and just how to be free.

My beginning was filled
with God's nursery rhymes.
In a little kid way
you taught me Bible times.

All of these small things were
My most precious kid times,
Mem'ries of you, Grandma
That shall always be mine.

Some of them make me smile
While others make me cheer.
As I remember you,
Grandma, with heartfelt tears.

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