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Stars in the Heavens

by Patricia Joan Polhans

Imagine God creating the stars above
Placing them in the sky and naming them love.
Some of them forming the Great Milky Way
New constellations made from day to day.

I saw his great hand paint the midnight skies
With lights of bright color and various size.
He held each one within his mighty hand
It must've been the way the Master planned.

For each one he'd made was called by a name
He knew them all, in the heavens, contained.
They were illustrious beams, heavenly hosts
The North Star radiating light the most!

Who would've thought thousands of years ago
An only star would set the world aglow
Twinkling and shining on a moonlit night
Showing forth the Father's magnificent light.

Years before the constellations were done
He placed one North star to guide to his Son
Definitely one of heavens great wonders
The North Star which led those to the Savior!

Now each child born becomes a new shining star
Portraying brilliance to be seen from afar.
Twinkling and shining on a moonlit night
Leading others to this glorious light!

Then again he sets the world all aglow
Coloring the heavens like a rainbow.
Definitely one of heav'ns great wonders
The North Star leading those to the Savior!

Daniel 12:3
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

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