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Husband of the Bride

by Patricia Joan Polhans

My heart shall always remember my Lord and my King,
Of how we walked together along the peaceful streams.
Hand in hand we stumbled along the quiet shore
And when he picked me up I loved him even more.

I never shall forget how He held fast to my hand
When I began to sink into the pits of the sand.
All my life he was there to comfort and to direct
Leading me on the path and showing me where to step.

There 'as ne'er a day that passed where he was not at my side
And I knew when there 'as trouble I had a place to hide.
His hand had never left me when I thought no one cared.
He was a faithful Master, Master through all my years!

When I needed a shoulder to place my weary head
That's when he carried me through the trials I have had.
Leaving his masculine footprints through the paths of life
For he was my faithful husband and I am his wife!

He carried me up the streets, right to Golgotha's hill
As we both journeyed on my stomach felt very ill.
Then he gently placed me at the foot of an old cross
And said he'd return for me, speaking so gentle and soft.

Reaching out his blood drenched hand he drew me very near.
That was when my saddened eyes began to fill with tears!
I had to turn away as the tears rushed down my cheeks
For all I could do was to stand there and only weep.

I couldn't bear to watch pain inflicted by the soldiers
Thirty nine lashes ripped across the back of my Savior.
I wanted to reach out 'n' save him from their fierce attack
But angels intervened, not letting me hold them back!

They said this must be, my child, he must surely die.
This cup won't pass away for his life must be denied!
I asked him not to leave, I couldn't bear for us to part.
That's when he told me that he would live within my heart.

Then, I couldn't get to him, they 'ere taking him away
For they nailed him to the cross that cruel and dreadful day.
I know that he'll return for me, his spotless, pure white bride
For he 'as my devoted husband and I'll always be his bride!

"I go to prepare a place for you that where I am ye may be also.
And if I go I shall return again and receive you unto myself."

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