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As Faith Grows

by Robert Hedrick

Of gain ,faith ought be high on the list,
Without a great supply, much is missed.
Often times when needed, it isn't there,
Then it can be found with God in prayer.

Seeking the faith to follow and believe,
Faith to give willingly when we receive.
Faith in things for today and tomorrow,
Faith in times of happiness and sorrow.

Faith to be able to turn the other cheek,
Faith to give encouragement to the weak.
Faith to be firm, able to take a stand,
Faith to lift us above the sinking sand.

Faith that'll help us to trust and obey,
Faith each day to run the race God's way.
Faith for patience and willing to wait,
Faith to understand, God's never late.

To know that as faith grows, love grows,
Wherever love grows, for sure, God goes.
Where He is, that's where we need to be,
In servicing Him and each of The Trinity.

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