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Call of Love

by Patricia Joan Polhans

I'll always love you forever, mom
But, please don't cry, though I am gone.
I will never forget your lovely face,
Your nurturing hands, your caring ways.

Your tender voice, your loving touch,
Compassionate heart that brought so much.
Mother, I thank you for gentle hands
That nurtured me to the very end.

I was here for only a short little while
To experience your love and tender smiles.
Each one was a gift, a token of love,
Given to me, from Mother, with love.

You'll live in my heart forever here
As we shed, together, sorrowful tears.
I know that I'm going to miss you so
But, now, I belong to Jesus, you know.

I'll never forget your loving ways
Time shared together those last days.
I'll take with me love and memories,
The valued treasures you gave to me.

To know your love was a precious thing.
Now, I must heed the Lord's beckoning.
He is calling me from his throne above
So, again, I'll experience the call of love.

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