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Penny's Birthday Poem

by Patricia Joan Polhans

Today's my sister's birthday,
How I have missed her so.
Oh, if only she could even
Understand and know.

So many years are wasting,
So many days are spent
Out of anger 'n' unforgiveness,
Many disappointments.

She's no longer in my life,
Empty space where she once was
For she is there no more,
The sister that I've loved.

I have made every effort
To reconcile with her
But she still rejects my love
In my heart she causes a stir.

Oft times I have anger
That she'd even allow this,
Division in our family,
For she is my only sis'.

How I long to see the twinkle
In her dark brown eyes.
See her laugh and smile again
But I know she only cries.

I guess that she can only see
The pain in her own heart
For never has she looked into
My own aching heart!

She did not even take
The time to get to know
The sister that I am inside
The sister she's never known!

Oft' times I put on the face
Of a strong, resilient tower
Never letting her know
This kind, gentle flower.

If she only knew why
I put on this hardened mask
It's my defense for the pain
Shield 'gainst my abusive past.

The task set out for loving
Her unconditionally
Makes me feel vulnerable
To her insensitivities.

Accusations and judgments,
And preconceived notions
That cause me to close my heart
For I'm overwhelmed by emotions.

For oft' times my heart gets broken
With only God making the repair.
Some things cannot be mended
But by tender loving care.

If only she would take the time
And allow words from my heart
She would see a different me
And we would never ever part!

But I've not been able to share
With her my secret parts
For each time that I try
She breaks my wounded heart!

Maybe God in his infinite wisdom
Will perform this task for me
And some day set the record straight
Fill her with forgiveness and mercy.

Mark 11:25
And when you stand praying, if you hold
anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.

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