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Jesus is Coming!

by Patricia Joan Polhans

My passion is yearning for
The coming of the Lord.
Must make ourselves ready
He must not be ignored.

In times past I've heard
The Lord is coming again.
Just wished he wouldn't tarry
And gather his children in.

So much time is a wastin'
Please oh, please come back!
Children are growing weaker
And many are under attack!

Some are falling away
As you said in your word
And what about the lost ones
Who haven't even heard?

Come and beat the bushes
So they will run for cover
In your shelt'ring arms
Where they'll be safe forever.

Come and beat the bushes.
Time is coming to an end
Mercy won't last forever
For he is coming again.

Please oh, please, dear Father,
Gather your children home.
If they won't hear your voice
Then pick up the telephone!

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