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My Sweet Red Rose

by Patricia Joan Polhans

I have grown more near to you
With the dawn of each new day.
And each new sunrise that passes
I find undiscovered words to say.

My utterance is unrestrained
As I share what you mean to me.
Unrestricted voice of longings,
And I hope that we both agree

That when ever we're apart
I feel like a petal torn from a rose.
A part of something beautiful
Has been lacerated and exposed.

'thout binding love of each petal
This flower would start to wilt.
We've gained strength from one another
But without you I've begun to melt.

You're the gentle sweet fragrance
Found within the deep, red rose.
You're the stem that holds me together
So the rose will always grow.

Without you there to uphold me
I'd be a blossom toppling to the ground.
And as each delicate petal falls
This flower would cease to be found.

I'm a flower revealing weakness
'thout the most significant part
My beautiful handmade sister
Given by God's own heart.

God's love will bind us together
As the petals do, on the rose
And we shall be joined forever
My sweet, scarlet red rose!

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