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Rainbow of Four Colors!

by Patricia Joan Polhans

The colors of this rainbow
Are so very, very few
But they are a special color
And of a vibrant hue.

The colors of this rainbow
Are red, yellow, black and white
I'm referring to the human race
God's joy and his delight.

God painted colors of the rainbow
But did you ever stop and think
About each and every skin tone
And how they are in unique?

Black makes me think of chocolate
Sweet as honey from the comb.
They all are like sweet morsels
Kneeling before his holy throne.

White makes me think of salt
A flavoring from above
Telling us to salt the earth
With the seasoning of his love.

Then there are the yellow ones
That remind me of a lemon fruit
Fruit full of the Holy Spirit
As the others follow suit.

The red ones make me think
Of cinnamon, red and very hot
Ones who are on fire for God
Which, in his eyes, mean a lot!

Maybe he spread these colors
Over the earth that day
As angels moved their wings
Shedding color on those he may.

I value this colored rainbow
Each is a glor'ously painted sight
For they are all of his creation
Red and yellow, black and white.

This rainbow hasn't many colors
But, oh, how it does shine
When God lit up the world
With the colors of mankind.

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