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A Heavenly Gift

by Robert Hedrick

The tree's up, stockings hung and
everything is in place,
Including a permanent glow that's
on most every child's face.
The aromas of cakes being baked in
the ovens, fill the air,
There'll be enough to satisfy each
one here with some to spare.

Thus begins the Christmas season at
this time each year,
As carols are sung all around while
people spread good cheer.
Indeed it's a festive time for many,
yet it will not be for all,
For there are some at an all time
low due to the economy's fall.

Then the bell ringing will not lift
the spirits of some of these,
Their financial situation has almost
put them down to their knees.
Some on their knees to put Christ in
Christmas for the first time,
With a new message in their heart as
they hear those bells chime.

For these, Christmas will mean more
than any have in the past,
This year they have received a gift
that forever, will last.
Indeed a heavenly gift, for eternity,
heaven will be their home,
Life's problems left behind, dwelling
under God's protective dome.

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