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The Birth of Our Savior

by Deborah Smith Plemmons

Now the birth of Jesus was on this wise:
When the angel appeared, Mary was taken by surprise.
She was blessed among women and found in God's favor;
She would conceive and bring forth a Son, the Savior.
She was a virgin espoused to Joseph and would marry,
But now she was told God's Son she would carry.
Joseph thought to privately put her away,
But God had another plan for him that day.
In a dream, an angel came and appeared to him;
He assured Joseph that his future would not be grim.
The angel told him to take Mary as his wife;
For she carried the Savior who would bring eternal life.
So, Joseph took Mary to be his wedded wife,
And he knew her not until she brought forth life.

Now a decree was made by Caesar Augustus;
All the world would be taxed, and it was thus:
Joseph and Mary made the journey to their land;
It was a little faraway city called Bethlehem.
Mary was very great with child then;
They found that there was no room in the Inn.
So, they were led to a stable nearby;
They were content and didn't ask why.
Jesus was born and laid in a manger that night;
In the eastern sky, a star shone so bright.

Now the shepherds were in their fields abiding;
Over their flocks, they were residing.
An angel appeared to the shepherds that night;
When they saw the angel, they showed great fright.
"Fear not, good tidings to you I'm bringing;
In a manger in Bethlehem, your Savior is sleeping."
A host of angels praised God again and again,
Singing, "Glory to God... peace, good will toward men."
The shepherds made haste the Babe to see;
They rejoiced at seeing the Savior for you and me.
The shepherds returned glorifying and praising God;
They made known what they had seen abroad.
Jesus Christ was born to be the Savior for all;
Salvation comes to those who heed to His call.

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