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"He is Enough for Me"

by Leslie Rummel

He calls me the apple of His eye
And blesses me as the years go by.
He works in me and makes me whole
And is the keeper of my soul.
He is my Conscience and my Guide
And walks with me, side-by-side.
He paves the way for my success
And in His mercy, gives me rest.
He comforts me and dries my tears
And casts away my doubts and fears.
He is my Lord until life's end
And forever is my faithful Friend.
He grants the desires of my heart
And assures me that we'll never part.
He loves me more than words can say
And listens every time I pray.
He forgives me with His endless grace
And goes to prepare for me a place!
He is my Savior, Whom I adore.
He is Jesus Christ, my King and Lord.
He lived and died to set me free
And will always be Enough for Me.

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