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"Voice of the Unborn Child"

by Leslie Rummel

I am here!
Please don't be deceived.
I AM a human being
From the moment I was conceived!

So why is there such sadness?
I feel despair and gloom.
For God is carefully weaving me
Within my mother's womb.

Is that the voice of anger?
Or is it doubt and fear?
Why doesn't the world out there
Want me living here?

God am I unwanted?
'Cause I'm so meek and mild.
Can anybody hear my cry
I'm the voice of the unborn child.

Are people disappointed
Am I not in your plan?
Jesus help me now.
I just don't understand!

I am alive and well
So please do me no harm.
Let me come into the world
And be loved in someone's arms.

My plea is that you save my life.
Can you hear my cry?
Have mercy now and hear my prayer.
Please don't let me die!

The Father has a plan for me
And He will help you see;
There is someone in the world
Who'll take good care of me!

I ask you now to let me live.
And know that it is true;
You will NEVER be alone.
'Cause God will help you through.

In the name of Jesus,
And in your pain and strife;
Listen to your child within
Please give to me, my life!

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