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In You

by Donna Hendrix

Days filled with sadness and gloom
Darkness over daylight doth loom
I asked my Lord above why must I go through this
Why must I be thrown into the dark abyss
Silently I listen to hear what He will say
Must I continue to go through this day after day
In solemn stillness I sit alone
Sometimes tears flowing until the dawn
I feel so far away from my Savior
Even though my love for Him does not waiver
I pray intensely but words I cannot speak
The Lord can read my broken heart so bleak
He said listen to me and someday you will understand
Everything works for my good as part of my master plan
Whatever I say to you in your darkness and despair
Should be spoken to those in need of your love to share
From your suffering, heartache, and grief
You will be able to help others find relief
Pray and seek God's will to lead others to you
For in you they will see God's love shining through

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