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Resting in the Crucified

by Kevin Smead © 2018

To the cross where Jesus died
I look - my heart is satisfied.
The answer for my awful guilt,
Is found where Jesus' blood was spilt.

My heart once shuddered at my sin.
So vile and wretched had I been.
I searched in vain for peace of mind,
But to the cross my heart was blind.

But then I saw the way of grace -
That Jesus took the sinner's place.
He who kept all God's commands
Suffered to meet the laws demands.

By faith alone I'm justified,
Just resting in the crucified.
His goodness put to my account,
His precious blood - my cleansing fount.

To His own work I need not add,
But praise Him and be no more sad;
For all my sin is put away
And can't condemn on judgment day.

I'm thankful for such wondrous grace.
The pain of life I now can face.
Though sinful - in God's sight I'm pure.
In Christ my future is secure.

Seek your peace in Christ alone.
One look of faith all sin is gone.
This gospel heals as nothing can,
And purifies the heart of man.

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