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by Robert Hedrick

Any mistake made is made by the likes of you and me,
It is God alone that has the honor of being mistake free.
As He controls this world, it never rains on His parade,
If we think He has made one, it's a mistake we've made.

The bible tells us of mistakes made by some Godly men,
That turned them from the ways of God to a path of sin.
Then they followed Satan in the directions that he led,,
Overcoming this when God got into their heart and head.

Adam and Eve were first when they took Satan's advice,
Causing sin that'll only be covered by Jesus' sacrifice.
King David made a serious one that cost a man his life,
As lust filled his heart with a desire for the man's wife.

Jonah made a mistake when he disobeyed God's command,
Being grateful I'm sure, when again he was on dry land.
Throughout time, these are but a few man's put on his list,
Then for the saved, in heaven, mistakes will never exist.

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